Kyoto Diaries – Playing it Koyo

I had a couple of vacation days to burn before the end of the year, so I took one today. And that worked out well, since the weather was absolutely perfect and thanks to climate change, “fall colors” has almost come to mean winter colors in Japan. It’s December 2 and we’re still at peak color now in most parts of town, which would have been unheard of not many years ago.

You’ve seen these places before, but I just thought I’d share a few pics. I’ve probably taken more photographs at  Honen-in than anywhere else in the world, and while it’s slightly past koyo peak there, Honen-in is never less than perfect. It’s my iibasshou if any place ever was, probably the most sublime place I’ve ever visited. The rest of these are from around Shinnyo-do, a regular autumn leaf spot for me because despite being spectacular and quite vast, it’s puzzlingly (and thankfully) under-touristed. And around the corner the tiny Eishoin, a perfect little postage stamp of a temple closed to the public most of the year but open (irregularly) for a couple of weeks when the leaves are singing.

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